Paul Andrew Sueno, MD

Paul Sueno MD practices the medical specialty, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (or Physiatry). He also has subspecialty training in Pain Medicine. You can read more about Physiatry through AAPM&R and Pain Medicine specialty through AAPM.


Dr Sueno now works at Kaiser Permanente. For more information about this, go back to the home page.

His private practice from 2012-2018 is now closed. It was located on 19th Street near Allenmore golf course in Tacoma. Please DO NOT MAIL any correspondence to any of his old addresses in Tacoma.

New mailing address for the closed private practice:4111 E. Madison St. Ste. 144
Seattle WA 98112

To request Medical Records for the closed private practice, please click the link to launch the Web App. This Web App is not for Kaiser Permanente. To make payments regarding the closed private practice, please login to the Web App and click on Payments.

If you have been contacted by a separate financial payment services company for the closed private practice, please work with them directly.